Monday 14 May 2012


Last Week Market Prophecy Team Forecast About Cardamom And Natural Gas Bull run.
Now Both Out Performing global markets

Cardamom Now Running on Upper Locks.

Natural Gas Is Most Defencive Script in Current Markets

Both scripts Position remain Continue in our portfolio

Cardamom Bought at 1240 And We Updated On blog when It Was 1269

Today Its Hit Upper Lock of 1356

Still Positive For Some Time until not print 1450--1550 level.

Natural gas is most positive script in Mcx and in global markets.

We are long since it was 110 with target 145--155.

For free followers we updated to buy when it was 125 .........after updation already printed 136+ .

but it's still looking very positive and strong for coming time.keep buying both  in every dip with stoploss 120 and for target 145 then 160


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